Wut It Do
How are you doing
wut it do?
Wut it do is another way to ask a person how they are doing
Related Slang
sup | What's up |
WU | What's up |
Wup | What's up |
W^ | What's up |
wuu2 | What are you up to |
WUA | What's up anyway? |
HRU | How are you |
HAY | How are you |
HRU | How are you |
WSG | What's good |
AAVE | African-American Vernacular English |
NMJCY | Not much, just chilling, you? |
wut | What |
If someone says or messages "wut it do" to you, they are asking how you are doing ("wut" is a phonetic abbreviation of "what"). The phrase originated from African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and became widely recognized through hip-hop and pop culture in the 2000s.
You may see or hear the phrase in casual contexts in person or online, especially in messages and social media (you likely won't say it to your boss). The phrase shows interest in the other person's well-being or checks in on what's happening in their life. Because of this, people typically use "wut it do" when greeting someone (similar to saying "what's up") as a more expressive option than a simple "hi" or "hello."