Are you stupid or something?
Why would u ever be rude 2 ur friend? AYSOS?
A man who is about to send AYSOS
Related Slang
RUSOS | Are you stupid or something? |
derp | Expression of stupidity |
DUR | Stupidly obvious |
TSTL | Too stupid to live |
Tool | Egotistical jerk |
stpd | Stupid |
Garbage person | A terrible person |
After you say something particularly unintelligent, the person you said it to may reply with AYSOS. This acronym stands for "are you stupid or something," and yes, it's meant to make you feel bad.
If someone sends you AYSOS, you may feel like you need to reply and prove that, no, you're not stupid. Sometimes, however, it's best to not bother replying to a troll who sent you AYSOS. Whatever you say is not likely to change their mind, and you'd be better off doing something actually worthwhile.