Baby Bump
Protruding abdomen of a pregnant female
OMG, your baby bump is totes adorbs!

Related Slang
Preggo | A pregnant person |
HPT | Home pregnancy test |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilization |
BFP | Big fat positive |
OPK | Ovulation predictor kit |
POAS | Pee on a stick |
us | Ultrasound |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
Totes | Totally |
Adorbs | Adorable |
Baby bump is a term for the abdomen of a female during the early stages of her pregnancy. It is the first physical development that is clearly noticeable by others and gives away that the woman is pregnant.
The term is often used when remarking how well a pregnant woman looks, which includes comments like "such a cute baby bump!" It can be dangerous to use if the woman is not pregnant and has just gained a little weight.