Back off you dipstick
BOYDS - find someone else to annoy
A man who is about to send BOYDS
Related Slang
BO | Back off |
LMA | Leave me alone |
GALMA | Go away, leave me alone |
DBMN | Don't bug me now |
sh^ | Shut up |
SU | Shut up |
Delete your account | Go away |
Kill yourself | Go away |
GFY | Go f*** yourself |
BOYDS stands for "back off you dipstick." You can use this acronym to tell annoying people to BO and leave you alone.
The word dipstick has been used as an insult for decades, having originated from "dip" (which became slang for "stupid person" in the 1920s) and "dips***." Dipstick took off sometime after automobile dipsticks were invented, serving as a less obscene variant of "dips***."