An imagined romatic relationship
I'm in a fantastic delusionship with Keanu Reeves and Pedro Pascal
Hey, whatever gets you through the winter

Related Slang
Delulu | Delusional |
Situationship | A relationship that is more than friendship but not yet romantic |
Textationship | A relationship confined to texting |
Crushing | Obsessed |
DM slide | Direct message to a crush |
Friendzone | When someone just wants to be friends |
Netflix and chill | Hook up |
Cuffing season | The fall and winter time period where people begin relationships |
A delusionship is a person's imagined relationship with their crush. These imaginings might consist of simple daydreams or intricate, involved fantasies. Either way, the person engaged in a delusionship likely knows their imagined relationship is not real (no matter how much they want it to be). Thus, most delusionships are perfectly healthy.
In some cases, however, people get too attached to a delusionship, and become obsessed with their crush's thoughts and actions. In these instances, the person may eventually come to believe that their crush is breadcrumbing them, even if their crush is doing no such thing.