Don't @ Me
Don't mention me in your tweets
Brady is the GOAT, don't @ me

Related Slang
Tweet | Twitter post |
Tweeple | Twitter people |
Twittersphere | The world of Twitter |
Twitterverse | Twitter universe |
GOAT | Greatest of all time |
Hot take | A controversial opinion |
Don't @ me is a common phrase on Twitter that people use when they don't want other Tweeple to mention them in their tweets. It is typically done when a person tweets a hot take but doesn't want direct responses because he doesn't care about other people's opinions.
The "@" symbol is used in Twitter to speak directly to Twitter users. It precedes a person's username and when used, pops up in the feed for all the person's followers. Besides not wanting to hear other people's opinions, "don't @ me" is also used when a person doesn't want to be associated with a topic discussed on Twitter. The term may also appear as "don't @me."