Twitter Slang

Twitter is the social networking site that popularized microblogging. Whether you're a celebrity with millions of followers or you're one of the millions who follow a celebrity, it's important to know common Twitter slang. The following list will help you interpret tweets and may also help you keep your own tweets under the 140 character limit.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
SimpA person who obsesses over someone
TweetTwitter post
Caught in 4KCaught in the act
ICYMIIn case you missed it
And I oopI'm so embarassed
Don't @ meDon't mention me in your tweets
RatioedReceiving many more replies than likes on your tweet
ICLI can't lie
Comfort idolA celebrity whose actions soothe you
DM slideDirect message to a crush
HIFWHow I felt when
F4FFollow for follow
Horny on mainActing lustful on your primary social account
Sending meMaking me laugh
PMKIPretty much killin' it
Blue-checkedVerified on Twitter
HandleTwitter username
TwittersphereThe world of Twitter
LRTLast retweet
TBTThrowback Thursday
Sock puppet accountA fake online identity
GPOYGratuitous picture of yourself
MootsPeople you follow on social media who follow you back
AlgospeakSlang used to bypass content filters
SubtweetSubliminal tweet
MCMMan-crush Monday
FBFFlashback Friday
RIP my mentionsI'm going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications
CBBCan't be bothered
TFFTwitter follower-friend
TweetsultInsulting tweet
Live-tweetTo tweet about something currently taking place
TweeterA person who tweets
The sidewalk ruleYour man should walk on the street side of the sidewalk
MistweetTweet mistake
SelteringSticking out your rear in a fitness pose
TweepsTwitter peeps
RIP to your mentionsYou're going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications
VSCO girlsPreppy female teen Instagrammers
It meI identify with that
HellmaxxingCommitting a series of sinful acts
OTTOMHOff the top of my head
TweetupTwitter meetup
FOMOFFear of missing out on football
Retweet offenderA person who constantly retweets on Twitter
HNMHappy new month
MDLMight delete later
edtwtAn eating disorder community on Twitter
WCWWoman-crush Wednesday
PRTPlease Retweet
Rage bakingBaking to relieve anger or stress
Fax no printerTruth
Blue tickA verified X user
MRTModified retweet
TTTrending topic
MentionA reference to a Twitter username in a tweet
NUMTOTSNew Urbanist Memes for Transit-oriented Teens
ITTIn this thread
BookTwtBook Twitter
DTMDoing too much
DweetDrunk tweet
HTHeard Through
TweepleTwitter people
TFTFThanks for the follow
Sneaky linkSecret hook up
Coming for necksMeans business
DisTwitterDisney Twitter
BBLBrazilian butt lift
TwewbieTwitter newbie
NTSNote to self
MTModified tweet
DetweetTo delete a tweet
EavestweetingEavesdropping on Twitter conversations
TwaddictTwitter addict
H/THat tip
RLRTReal life retweet
QRTQuote retweet
IBInspired by
DupeA cheaper stand-in product
SINKWADSingle income, no kids, with a dog
HTHat Tip
PRTPartial retweet
RthxRetweet thanks
TPMTweets per minute
AttwactionAttraction to a Twitter user
TwitterverseTwitter universe
ICYWTBEIn case you went to bed early
skskskOvercome with emotion
Twitter canoeBloated Twitter conversation with 3 or more users
Bougie brokeLuxurious lifestyle on a budget
S/OShout out
TMBTweet me back
OINKWADOne income, no kids, with a dog
FOMOHFear of missing out on hockey
FFFollow Friday
TwollowerTwitter follower
BookXX users who discuss books