Twitter Slang
Twitter is the social networking site that popularized microblogging. Whether you're a celebrity with millions of followers or you're one of the millions who follow a celebrity, it's important to know common Twitter slang. The following list will help you interpret tweets and may also help you keep your own tweets under the 140 character limit.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Simp | A person who obsesses over someone | 527 |
Caught in 4K | Caught in the act | 573 |
Tweet | Twitter post | 575 |
ICYMI | In case you missed it | 576 |
Mid | Mediocre | 576 |
And I oop | I'm so embarassed | 577 |
Don't @ me | Don't mention me in your tweets | 579 |
Ratioed | Receiving many more replies than likes on your tweet | 579 |
ICL | I can't lie | 579 |
DM slide | Direct message to a crush | 581 |
HIFW | How I felt when | 582 |
F4F | Follow for follow | 582 |
Comfort idol | A celebrity whose actions soothe you | 582 |
Horny on main | Acting lustful on your primary social account | 582 |
PMKI | Pretty much killin' it | 583 |
RT | Retweet | 584 |
Handle | Twitter username | 586 |
Twittersphere | The world of Twitter | 586 |
LRT | Last retweet | 586 |
Blue-checked | Verified on Twitter | 586 |
Sending me | Making me laugh | 586 |
TBT | Throwback Thursday | 587 |
GPOY | Gratuitous picture of yourself | 588 |
tl | Timeline | 588 |
Sock puppet account | A fake online identity | 588 |
Algospeak | Slang used to bypass content filters | 588 |
CBB | Can't be bothered | 590 |
TFF | Twitter follower-friend | 591 |
MCM | Man-crush Monday | 591 |
Tweetsult | Insulting tweet | 591 |
Subtweet | Subliminal tweet | 591 |
FBF | Flashback Friday | 591 |
Moots | People you follow on social media who follow you back | 591 |
Mistweet | Tweet mistake | 592 |
Seltering | Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose | 592 |
Dead | Hilarious | 592 |
RIP my mentions | I'm going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 592 |
Tweeps | Twitter peeps | 593 |
Live-tweet | To tweet about something currently taking place | 593 |
Covfefe | Coverage | 593 |
VSCO girls | Preppy female teen Instagrammers | 593 |
It me | I identify with that | 593 |
The sidewalk rule | Your man should walk on the street side of the sidewalk | 593 |
OTTOMH | Off the top of my head | 594 |
Tweetup | Twitter meetup | 594 |
FOMOF | Fear of missing out on football | 594 |
Retweet offender | A person who constantly retweets on Twitter | 594 |
HNM | Happy new month | 594 |
MDL | Might delete later | 594 |
cx | Correction | 595 |
WCW | Woman-crush Wednesday | 595 |
PRT | Please Retweet | 595 |
RIP to your mentions | You're going to receive a lot of Twitter notifications | 595 |
Rage baking | Baking to relieve anger or stress | 595 |
Fax no printer | Truth | 595 |
Hellmaxxing | Committing a series of sinful acts | 595 |
MRT | Modified retweet | 596 |
TT | Trending topic | 596 |
Tweeter | A person who tweets | 596 |
NUMTOTS | New Urbanist Memes for Transit-oriented Teens | 596 |
ITT | In this thread | 596 |
edtwt | An eating disorder community on Twitter | 596 |
Dweet | Drunk tweet | 597 |
HT | Heard Through | 597 |
Tweeple | Twitter people | 597 |
TFTF | Thanks for the follow | 597 |
Coming for necks | Means business | 597 |
DisTwitter | Disney Twitter | 597 |
BookTwt | Book Twitter | 597 |
Blue tick | A verified X user | 597 |
Twewbie | Twitter newbie | 598 |
oh | Overheard | 598 |
NTS | Note to self | 598 |
MT | Modified tweet | 598 |
Eavestweeting | Eavesdropping on Twitter conversations | 598 |
Twaddict | Twitter addict | 598 |
H/T | Hat tip | 598 |
RLRT | Real life retweet | 598 |
Mention | A reference to a Twitter username in a tweet | 598 |
QRT | Quote retweet | 598 |
IB | Inspired by | 598 |
W | Winning | 598 |
SINKWAD | Single income, no kids, with a dog | 598 |
DTM | Doing too much | 598 |
HT | Hat Tip | 599 |
PRT | Partial retweet | 599 |
Rthx | Retweet thanks | 599 |
TPM | Tweets per minute | 599 |
Attwaction | Attraction to a Twitter user | 599 |
Detweet | To delete a tweet | 599 |
Twitterverse | Twitter universe | 599 |
ICYWTBE | In case you went to bed early | 599 |
sksksk | Overcome with emotion | 599 |
Sneaky link | Secret hook up | 599 |
Twitter canoe | Bloated Twitter conversation with 3 or more users | 599 |
Dupe | A cheaper stand-in product | 599 |
BBL | Brazilian butt lift | 599 |
Bougie broke | Luxurious lifestyle on a budget | 599 |
S/O | Shout out | 599 |
TMB | Tweet me back | 600 |
OINKWAD | One income, no kids, with a dog | 600 |
FOMOH | Fear of missing out on hockey | 602 |
FF | Follow Friday | 602 |
Twollower | Twitter follower | 602 |