Failed under continuous testing
This source code has FUCT and I don't know how to fix it
Can you upload it so I can take a look?
Yeah, thx

Related Slang
Fail | Failure |
YF | You fail |
ABCP | A bad computer professional |
BN | Bad news |
DOA | Dead on arrival |
FORD | Found on road dead |
DIY | Do it yourself |
thx | Thanks |
When something isn't working despite numerous attempts, you can label it as "FUCT." The acronym stands for "failed under continuous testing" and also makes sense phonetically.
People typically use FUCT online in forums when discussing the viability of a project, whether it be a developer creating a website or a dude in his garage building a go-kart. For example, if you are seeking guidance on a DIY house project and your electrical wiring job is not working, you might say it has "FUCT."