Hanging head in shame
Can't believe I gave you the wrong address - HHIS
It's ok, no worries
A boy HHIS
Related Slang
TRDMF | Tears running down my face |
CRBT | Crying real big tears |
DITG | Down in the gutter |
HML | Hate my life |
srry | Sorry |
Fail | Failure |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment |
Someone who is HHIS (hanging head in shame) feels defeated or embarrassed. This acronym is meant to evoke a picture of the sender hanging their head, staring at the ground, and thinking about how they messed up.
Typically, people send HHIS after they legitimately think they've failed or let you down. Sometimes, however, people use HHIS sarcastically - after they've made a minor error, but want to exaggerate their feeling of remorse. Hopefully, context will tell you whether you should console the person who sent you HHIS or laugh alongside them.