Keep your stick on the ice
I hope you have a good week. Remember to KYSOTI!
Thx. You, too!

Related Slang
AAK | Alive and kicking |
AAS | Alive and smiling |
DFTBA | Don't forget to be awesome |
Cheerio | Goodbye |
Toodles | Goodbye |
AA | Adiós amigo |
kthxbi | OK, thanks, bye |
LLAP | Live long and prosper |
LL&P | Live long and prosper |
BW | Be well |
BW | Best wishes |
thx | Thanks |
KYSOTI is short for "keep your stick on the ice," which is another way to say, "stay calm and be ready for anything." People from areas where hockey is popular, such as Minnesota and Canada, most often use it online and in messages as an encouraging farewell.
For example, you might need to end a texting convo to go to bed and send, "Have a good day tomorrow and KYSOTI!" Or, you might end an email with "KYSOTI" replacing "Sincerely" or "Thanks" before your signature.
Origin of KYSOTI
The slang acronym "KYSOTI" gained popularity as texting, chatting, and emailing gained prominence in the 1990s and 2000s. The "keep your stick on the ice" phrase, for which KYSOTI is short, was popularized by The Red Green Show TV show in the 1990s. It refers to hockey players' sticks and how keeping them on the ice makes players ready to pass, receive, and shoot the puck (as well as keeps them from getting a penalty for high-sticking).