AA has 3 meanings
- 1.Autoattack
- 2.Adiós amigo
- 3.As above
i like the animation on elise's aa
it's also rly effective
Champion aa in LoL
Related Slang
LoL | League of Legends |
DPS | Damage per second |
AD | I just want to say |
AP | Attack power |
AS | Attack speed |
FF | Focus fire |
LOS | Line of sight |
Champion | League of Legends player-controlled character |
Kiting | Moving while avoiding attack |
Fog | Unseen areas of a League of Legends map |
alt | Alternate character |
rly | Really |
Adiós amigo
In chat slang, AA means "Adiós amigo," which is Spanish for "Goodbye friend." Friends might drop a quick AA into chat before they head out for the night, back into RL.
You can respond to someone who says AA with TTYL or l8r, but you better hurry! If you don't type quickly, your friend might already be AFK.
L8r g8r!
Being able to say AA means you have a friend! Nice work!
Related Slang
AMF | Adios my friend |
l8r | Later |
GTG | Got to go |
gb | Goodbye |
GBFN | Goodbye for now |
Toodles | Goodbye |
cya | See ya |
Buhbye | Goodbye |
LBF | Later, best friend |
As above
Often used in online messages boards to refer to a previous post; also used in online chat to reference something previously stated in the conversation.
AA, I still think it is better to wait before upgrading to the new version of the software
Related Slang
AOTA | All of the above |
LF | Looking for |
LFM | Looking for more |
ack | Acknowledged |
AYK | As you know |
AYWK | As you well know |
In League of Legends (LoL), "aa" stands for "auto attack" (also known as a "basic attack"), which is the default attack action performed by a champion when you right-click on an enemy unit. Auto attacks are a fundamental aspect of the game that deal consistent damage to opponents (as long as the enemy is within range) without requiring special abilities or resources.
LoL gamers often use auto attacks to harass enemy champions, farm minions, and secure kills during battles. They are especially helpful since they only require a click, allowing players to focus on movement or other abilities while still inflicting damage.