Laughing out loud until sides ache
That was so hilarious, it made me LOLUSA!
Laughing too much can be painful
Related Slang
USA | Until sides ache |
ROFLUSA | Rolling on floor laughing until sides ache |
haha | Laughing |
haha | Laughing |
PMP | Peed my pants |
LML | Laughing mad loud |
LOLAWS | Laughing out loud and with style |
LOLUSA is when someone is laughing so hard, his or her sides are aching. The acronym is typically used to reply to something really funny online or in a text message.
An instance where you might see LOLUSA is the comments section of a viral video where a lady falls while stomping grapes. Another example is in a text message when reacting to an unflattering portrait of yourself painted by a 3-year-old.
LOLUSA is just one of many terms coined to express extreme laughter. Others include BRLCFH, LLACP, LMAOROTF, LMFAOPIMP, and of course, dying.