What does LOMLILY stand for?

Light of my life, I love you

LOMLILY is shorthand for a phrase that almost sounds like some cartoon fantasy story because it's so cheesy. It combines LOML and ILY into a single acronym to convey appreciation for the recipient.

Although LOMLILY is obscure, people may still use it when texting and messaging online to someone they romantically love. For example, a man may text his wife, "LOMLILY. I can't stop thinking about you! Looking forward to our vacay this weekend!"

LOMLILY is one of many gushy acronyms that communicate affection. Some other examples include BTWITILY, ICFILWY, and ILYFAE.


IWALY too!
You will likely see LOMLILY in online messages and texts from hopeless romantics
You will likely see LOMLILY in online messages and texts from hopeless romantics

Related Slang


Updated May 2, 2024

LOMLILY definition by Slang.net

This page explains what the acronym "LOMLILY" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang.net team.

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