Members of the appropriate sex
Make sure to invite only MOTAS!
Only MOTAS are invited
Related Slang
MOTOS | Members of the opposite sex |
MOTSS | Members of the same sex |
GNO | Girls' night out |
BNO | Boys' night out |
m | Male |
f | Female |
morf | Male or female |
Bros before hoes | Guy friends are more important than romantic interests |
Bromance | Deep friendship between two or more males |
Bro | Brother |
NB | Non-binary |
Enby | A non-binary person |
You may see the "MOTAS" acronym when discussing a gathering, place, etc., designated for a specific sex, not for everyone. For example, a camping retreat may be only available for men, or a counseling session may only be for females.
Some situations where you might encounter MOTAS include an online forum created for only female athletes or a text group only for teen guys in a church youth group. You might also experience it if you are a woman trying to get in on a social media group message created by your guy friends with the "bros before hoes" mantra.