- 1.Non-binary
- 2.Not bad
- 3.Please note
- 4.Nightborne
Related Slang
Enby | A non-binary person |
m | Male |
f | Female |
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender |
LGBTQ | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer |
MOTAS | Members of the appropriate sex |
MOTOS | Members of the opposite sex |
str8 | Straight |
Not bad
In chat, text, and social media messages, NB typically stands for "not bad." This acronym means roughly the same thing as "eh, it's ok."
You can use NB to describe any item or event of medium quality. For example, if you had an acceptable yet uneventful day, you could say your day was NB. Or, if you recently ate a reasonable cheeseburger, you could say that cheeseburger was NB.

Related Slang
Please note
NB is an acronym that stands for "Nota Bene," which is Latin for "note well" or "please note." People may use it online and offline when emphasizing a vital point they want others to remember.
For example, you may receive an invite to a party, and near the bottom, it reads, "NB, while we love kids, this is an adult-only gathering." Or, you might read a message or email, "Here's the updated draft for the press release. NB - the time and date are still TBD."
NB is one of several acronyms or abbreviations people may use when textually communicating. Some other examples include:
- "e.g." - exempli gratia, which is Latin for "for example"
- "i.e." - id est, which is Latin for "that is"
- sic - an abbreviation of "spelling incorrect"
NB that NB means please note
Related Slang
NTS | Note to self |
FTR | For the record |
OBTW | Oh, by the way |
AISB | As I said before |
RML | Read my lips |
LMK | Let me know |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
RSVP | Répondez s'il vous plaît |
Sic | Spelling incorrect |
sp | Spelling |
TFTHU | Thanks for the heads up |
World of Warcraft (WoW) players use NB as shorthand for nightborne. This Horde race, which is an arcane offshoot of the night elves, was introduced in the Legion expansion.
Players commonly abbreviate nightborne to NB when discussing nightborne characters, abilities, and lore. For example, a player discussing nightborne customizations may ask "Do you think Blizz will finally let NB chars have beards soon?"

Related Slang
Nelf | Night elf |
Belf | Blood elf |
Velf | Void elf |
RTK | Return to Karazhan |
Main | Main character |
10m | Ten man |
25m | Twenty-five man |
NB is an acronym that stands for "non-binary," which refers to a person who does not identify with the male/female gender binary. Non-binary and the NB acronym became a common label in the mid-2010s in the LGBTQ community.
People identifying as NB may have no gender, have more than one gender, or be moving between genders. A variation of the NB acronym is enby, which is the phonetic pronunciation of the acronym.