Remember when we didn't sleep for two days straight so we could level our characters from 70 to 80 and be the first to start raiding Naxx?
Yeah, great times

Related Slang
Nax | Naxxramas |
WOTLK | Wrath of the Lich King |
WoW | World of Warcraft |
Raid | Raid group |
Shat | Shattrath City |
Kara | Karazhan |
icc | Icecrown Citadel |
blizz | Blizzard |
World of Warcraft (WoW) players often refer to the Naxxramas raid dungeon as Naxx. For example, you may see players abbreviate Naxxramas to Naxx in in-game chat or WoW forums.
What is Naxxramas?
In the original version of WoW, Naxx was a very difficult 40-player (40m) raid instance, which appeared above the Eastern Plaguelands. In the Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK) expansion, Blizzard moved Naxx to the skies above the Dragonblight, and it became a 10m and 25m raid.
Variations of Naxx
You may see players use Naxx10, Naxx25, and Naxx40 to refer to, respectively, the 10m, 25m, and 40m instances of Naxx. You may also see players refer to Naxx as Nax.