Ten man
LF1M healer for 10m raid then gtg!

Related Slang
MMORPG | Massively multiplayer online role-playing game |
WOW | World of Warcraft |
25m | Twenty-five man |
Boomkin | Moonkin druid |
brez | Battle resurrection |
Debuff | Weakening effect |
Pull | Enter combat |
Tank | Hardy character |
DPS | Damage per second |
10m is World of Warcraft (WoW) shorthand for "ten man." Players use this abbreviation when talking about 10m raid dungeons.
Before entering a 10m raid, players must form a group of ten (two five-member parties). Usually, this group consists of two tanks, two healers, and six DPS characters. Each member has a specific role, outlined by the group's IGL.
Most WoW raids accept either 10m or 25m raid groups. Mythic raids, however, accept only 20m groups.