World of Warcraft Slang
With over 10 million active players, Blizzard's World of Warcraft (WoW) is the quintessential massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The large World of Warcraft community has also created a large number of chat slang terms specific to the game. Browse the list below to brush up on your WoW slang.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
WoW | World of Warcraft | 546 |
Camper | A player who doesn't move | 552 |
RL | Real life | 554 |
crit | Critical Strike | 559 |
pwned | Owned | 560 |
mats | Materials | 568 |
Ding | Level up | 570 |
GB | Guild bank | 570 |
Ganking | Launching a surprise attack | 570 |
WTS | Want to sell | 570 |
inv | Invite | 571 |
LFG | Looking for group | 573 |
Boomkin | Moonkin druid | 574 |
25m | Twenty-five man | 575 |
rep | Reputation | 576 |
cata | Cataclysm | 576 |
AP | Attack power | 577 |
Uber | Excellent | 577 |
AH | Auction house | 579 |
brez | Battle resurrection | 580 |
MT | Mistype | 581 |
HM | Hard mode | 582 |
Farmed | Repetitively killed or gathered | 583 |
HPS | Heals per second | 584 |
jc | Jewelcrafter | 585 |
MC | Mind Control | 585 |
MDPS | Melee damage per second | 585 |
Kek | Laughing out loud | 586 |
LF1M | Looking for one more | 587 |
WOTLK | Wrath of the Lich King | 588 |
Wipe | Total death | 591 |
int | Intellect | 592 |
spec | Specialization | 593 |
rez | Resurrection | 593 |
str | Strength | 593 |
Pull | Enter combat | 593 |
Agi | Agility | 593 |
WTB | Want to buy | 593 |
ICC | Icecrown Citadel | 593 |
DKP | Dragon kill points | 594 |
Ninja | A loot stealer | 594 |
FP | Flight path | 594 |
DBM | Deadly Boss Mods | 594 |
bg | Battleground | 594 |
SP | Spell power | 595 |
MoP | Mists of Pandaria | 595 |
Dal | Dalaran | 595 |
RMP | Rogue, Mage, Priest | 595 |
adds | Additional mobs | 595 |
Kara | Karazhan | 595 |
resto | Restoration | 595 |
20m | Twenty man | 595 |
RDPS | Ranged damage per second | 596 |
prot | Protection | 596 |
pat | Patrol | 596 |
de | Disenchant | 596 |
def | Defense | 596 |
BFA | Battle for Azeroth | 596 |
Trash | Dungeon enemy mob groups | 596 |
PTR | Public test realm | 596 |
Naxx | Naxxramas | 596 |
Nax | Naxxramas | 596 |
Shat | Shattrath City | 596 |
Raid | Raid group | 596 |
bio | Bathroom | 596 |
Arpen | Armor penetration | 597 |
idd | Indeed | 597 |
xmute | Transmute | 598 |
GS | Gear score | 598 |
Waggro | Wife aggro | 598 |
Belf | Blood elf | 598 |
Mule | Alternate character for storage | 598 |
Shatt | Shattrath City | 598 |
Velf | Void elf | 598 |
10m | Ten man | 599 |
Nelf | Night elf | 599 |
Burst | Combination of attacks in a short span of time | 599 |
BoT | Bastion of Twilight | 599 |
RTK | Return to Karazhan | 599 |
NB | Nightborne | 599 |
Toon | Alternate character | 599 |
mut | Mutilate | 599 |
hp5 | Health per five seconds | 600 |
Bot mafia | A legion of automated World of Warcraft characters | 600 |
disc | Discipline | 600 |
WG | Wintergrasp | 602 |
KS | Kingslayer | 606 |
LOM | Low on mana | 607 |
BC | The Burning Crusade | 609 |
AE | Area of effect | 610 |
GTG | Good to go | 617 |