Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
I'm sorry the weather is not gonna be great for the party
NP. Que sera sera
That que sera sera feeling
Related Slang
meh | Whatever |
evs | Whatever |
NP | No problem |
watev | Whatever |
watevs | Whatever |
YSW | Yeah sure whatever |
YYSSW | Yeah yeah, sure sure, whatever |
Carpe diem | Seize the day |
Que sera sera is a fatalistic saying that means "whatever will be, will be." People may use the phrase when encouraging others (or themselves) to accept whatever the future holds instead of fighting it.
For example, if you share a concern about your friend's upcoming job interview, they might respond with, "No worries. Que sera sera." Or, your dad may send condolences to you regarding your dog's cancer prognosis, and you reply with, "Thanks dad. It's out of our hands now. Que sera sera."
Origin of que sera sera
The origins of "que sera sera" are unclear, but linguists trace it back to various languages, such as Spanish ("qué será será") and Italian ("che sarà sarà") roots. Usage of the phrase dates back to at least the 16th century, but the 1955 "Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)" song by Doris Day popularized it with the greater public.