Race change to another
RCTA's not anything new; it just has a hashtag now
Yeah, I think we all remember Michael Jackson

Related Slang
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race |
CRT | Critical Race Theory |
AAVE | African-American Vernacular English |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, People of Color |
Whitesplain | To explain something as a white person |
White fragility | Sensitivity of white people towards evidence of racism |
Kpop | Korean Pop music |
TikTokers use RCTA to mean "race change to another." This acronym most often appears as a hashtag, on videos in which TikTokers discuss their desire to transition to another race.
For example, a white person who identifies with Korean culture may make an RCTA video in which they detail their attempts to "become Korean." These efforts might consist of minor changes (such as a new, Korean-inspired wardrobe) or major changes (such as plastic surgery) to the person's appearance and lifestyle.
As you might expect, RCTA videos can be contentions, as those who are actually members of the races being "transitioned" to sometimes take offense at non-members' incomplete understanding of their culture. For this reason, you're likely to see some TikTokers call out RCTA videos as offensive, ignorant, and/or out of touch.