Shut your yapper
Hey, SYY and let me finish what I am saying
The Rock wants you to SYY
Related Slang
S/U | Shut up |
sh^ | Shut up |
STFU | Shut the f*** up |
SU | Shut up |
SUF | Shut your face |
ST2M | Stop talking to me |
Sparrowface | Facial expression with eyes wide open and mouth slightly open |
XD | Laughing out loud |
Someone who wants you to SYY wants you to "shut your yapper." This rude acronym is a slightly-less crass way of telling someone to STHU or STFU.
Yapper is a slang term that means "mouth." Someone who wants you to shut your yapper wants you to stop talking ... possibly so they can get in a word or two of their own.