Shut your face
Maybe u should just SUF if u don't know what u r talking about
A man who wants you to SUF
Related Slang
S/U | Shut up |
sh^ | Shut up |
SU | Shut up |
STFU | Shut the f*** up |
STHU | Shut the heck up |
SYY | Shut your yapper |
ST2M | Stop talking to me |
Cancel | Shut down or force out |
A gamer, friend, or family member who is mad at you may tell you to SUF, or "shut your face." This acronym is a more abrasive way of saying "shut up" or "be quiet."
Contrary to what the phrase "shut your face" may lead you to believe, someone who sends you SUF does not want you to shut your entire face. I.e. You do not need to close your eyes, plug your nostrils, or cover your ears when someone tells you to SUF. You may, however, want to stop texting, chatting, or talking, before you really upset the person you're conversing with.