A Donald Trump supporter
I'm not a Trumper but I just can't vote for a Democrat

Related Slang
Trumpette | A female supporter of Donald Trump |
Trumpster | A Donald Trump supporter |
Trumpflake | A sensitive Trump supporter |
Trumper tantrum | Lashing out at people on Twitter |
Trumpism | A word popularized by Donald Trump |
Alternative facts | Lies used to replace facts |
Bigly | Greatly |
45 | President Donald Trump |
POTUS | President of the United States |
MAGA | Make America Great Again |
A Trumper is a person who supports U.S. President Donald J. Trump. The nickname is typically seen on social media, particularly on Twitter.
It became popular in 2016 during the race for POTUS but remained throughout Trump's presidency. It is primarily used by critics of Trump as an insult for someone who defends his actions.
The label may also be seen as a badge of honor by some Trump supporters, much like the "deplorables" nickname made famous by Hilary Clinton. Men or women supporters of Trump may be labeled as Trumpers, but female supporters of Trump are often called "Trumpettes."