The struggle is real
I put my shirt on inside out in the dark last nite and wore it all day like that. #TSIR
The struggle is real when reaching for your phone across the kitchen
Related Slang
The struggle is real | Having difficulty doing something |
Hot mess | A disastrous person |
Fail | Failure |
YF | You fail |
u | You |
c | See |
FUCT | Failed under continuous testing |
Airhead | Stupid |
Bimbo | A dumb and attractive female |
TSIR is an acronym for "the struggle is real." The phrase refers to when a person is annoyed or having a difficult time doing something.
The TSIR acronym is often preceded with a hashtag (#) when used on social sites. It may be used seriously when you are really frustrated or for fun when mocking a person's perceived struggle.