wut r u up to this wk?
nm, u?
hangin at my dad's

Related Slang
wknd | Weekend |
HAGW | Have a good week |
24/7 | Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week |
p/w | Per week |
TGFF | Thank God for Friday |
7DAW | Seven days a week |
EOW | End of week |
wut | What |
r | Are |
u | You |
NM | Not much |
Wk is a common abbreviation for "week" that removes the vowels but leaves the consonants. You may see wk in various contexts, including in messages, online, and handwritten notes.
For example, a person may text you, "wut wk r u going to go to Mexico?" Or, an NFL fan may comment on Twitter, "All the wk 5 games in the league were amazing! Hopefully, we get more of that entertainment for the rest of the season." Another example is your mom writing "Chores for this wk" on a whiteboard to outline what you and your siblings need to do to earn your allowance.