That style of dance is completely 4n 2 me
A man who some Americans mistakenly believe is 4n
Related Slang
4nr | Foreigner |
FOB | Fresh off the boat |
POTUS | President of the United States |
Engrish | Bad Asian to English translation |
Wack | Strange |
Wonky | Weird |
Weird flex | Strange brag |
forex | Foreign exchange market |
People discussing foreign ideas, languages, or people may use 4n in place of "foreign." This numeronym is uncommon, but quite understandable (at least, after you understand what numeronyms are).
What are numeronyms?
A numeronyms is a word in which a number is used in place of letters to form an abbreviation. For example, in 4n, 4 takes the place of "fore," while "ign" is shortened to "n." Numeronyms may also be referred to as alphanumeric abbreviations or numerical contractions, though neither of those names are as good as numeromym.