Alpha Mom
A dominant female in a group of mothers
I can already tell that Laura is going to be an alpha mom just by how she complains to the waiter

Related Slang
Soccer mom | A suburban mom whose world revolves around her kids |
Walmart mom | A mother who shops at Walmart and votes Republican |
SAHM | Stay-at-home mom |
MOS | Mom over shoulder |
MBS | Mom behind shoulder |
Mombie | A tired mom |
Diva | A self-important, demanding person |
An alpha mom is a mother who dominates over other mothers in her social sphere. The mother dominates over others with her strong opinions and belief that she is in the right.
An alpha mom always rises to the top when a group of mothers comes together. The alpha mom usually dictates the group's behavior and is the first to be outraged. Alpha moms can be a cancer to discussions because they tend to dominate the sharing time.