Are you freaking kidding me
Mom ate all my pizza rolls again! AYFKM!
A visual expression of AYFKM
Related Slang
2FB | Too freaking bad |
NBD | No big deal |
IDFC | I don't freaking care |
SFW | So freaking what |
ownage | Completely owned |
pwn | To dominate |
Pubstomp | To annihilate an uncoordinated opposing team |
Scrub | Loser |
Incredulous people use AYFKM to stand for "are you freaking kidding me." This acronym expresses a person's outrage and/or disbelief.
Friends, co-workers, family members, and gamers may all use AYFKM in different scenarios. For example, a gamer who just got pubstomped may use AYFKM to express their frustration, and a co-worker who got assigned to clean out your company's coffeemaker may do the same. In all cases, AYFKM connotes a sense of surprise and cosmic unfairness - as though the person who used the acronym can't believe the universe has done this to them.