Busting my gut with laughter
OMG that joke has me BMGWL
BMGWL means "busting my gut with laughter"
Related Slang
BWL | Bursting with laughter |
DWL | Dying with laughter |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud |
FOOMCL | Falling out of my chair laughing |
KML | Killing myself laughing |
BL | Belly laughing |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROFLMAO | Rolling on floor, laughing my a** off |
If someone sends you the acronym BMGWL, it means they are laughing very, very hard at whatever joke, meme, or other message you just sent. In fact, the person is laughing so hard that they want you to picture their gut bursting due to the force of their laughter.
Now that you have that image in your head (you're welcome), why not learn what other laughter-related acronyms mean? You can find definitions for even the most esoteric laughcronyms in the Related Slang section below.