grr...why does this program keep crashing!?
u shud just restart your computer to see if that fixes it
That grr feeling
Related Slang
md@u | Mad at you |
Hangry | Angry because you're hungry |
amp | To be loud and angry |
Hater | A person who is angry or jealous of someone |
BTFO | Back the f*** off |
Big mad | Very angry |
Triggered | Angry |
Yarr | Angry pirate sound |
BM | Bite me |
shud | Should |
u | You |
When you see or hear "grr," you know someone is mad. The term comes from an animal's growl (e.g., a dog or cat), and people may write it with additional "r" characters (e.g., "grrrrr").
You may hear it in real life (IRL) or see people send it online or in texts. For example, your dad may mutter the sound under his breath when working on a car problem, or your spouse may send it in a message to reply to the news of your kids' bad behavior. Or, a person may comment on a news article on social media, "grr. these clowns need term limits."