Bad mannered
A man who doesn't care that he's BM
Related Slang
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game |
BG | Bad game |
Scrub | Loser |
Lamer | Clueless person |
DBABAI | Don't be a baby about it |
Ghosting | Observing an opponent's gameplay |
Bowel movement
An acronym that refers to the movement of food through a person's digestive tract.
The BM is the last step in the stool movement process as it leaves the body. Irregular BMs include diarrhea, constipation, and bowel incontinence.
Related Slang
UNADR | You need a doctor |
MD | Medical doctor |
DM | Doctor of Medicine |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
ITU | Intensive treatment unit |
Rx | Prescription |
meds | Medications |
OTC | Over-the-counter |
Bite me
BM stands for "bite me." Angry people of all sorts might tell you to bite them (meaning to back off or leave them alone) via online chat or text message.
"Bite me" has a long and storied history and, according to a variety of sources, may have arisen from one of several different more-vulgar sayings. Specifically and most interestingly, linguists cannot agree what part of the body the "me" in "bite me" originally referred to. These days, however, "bite me" is typically considered short for "bite me in the a**," an invitation that you're likely to decline.
BM means "bite me"
Related Slang
BTM | Bite me |
YS | You suck |
OMGYS | Oh my gosh you suck |
URAL | You are a loser |
WEML | Whatever major loser |
EI | Eat it |
GFY | Go f*** yourself |
TC | Take care |
A gamer who is BM is"bad mannered." Players and Twitch viewers use this acronym to describe players whose conduct is unsportsmanlike. For example, if a streamer's opponent says something offensive after losing, viewers might call the opponent BM in Twitch chat.
BM originated within the StarCraft 2 (SC2) community but has since become common gaming slang. As such, you may encounter BM while playing or watching any game in which a player behaves badly.