Historically white colleges and universities
How common is it for an HWCU to still be a PWI?

Related Slang
PWI | Predominantly white institution |
HBCU | Historically black colleges and universities |
GPA | Grade point average |
prof | Professor |
STEM | Science, technology, engineering, and math |
WASP | White Anglo-Saxon Protestant |
CRT | Critical Race Theory |
White fragility | Sensitivity of white people towards evidence of racism |
yt | Whitey |
When discussing education, HWCU stands for "historically white colleges and universities." This designation describes colleges and universities at which the majority of the student body has historically been White. HWCUs are often (but not always) also predominantly white institutions (PWIs), meaning the majority of their current student body is White.
HWCUs are most often discussed in contrast to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Typically, these discussions revolve around the policies, prejudices, and social circumstances that kept HWCUs majority White, as well as actions the institutions can take to diversify their student bodies. Some examples of HWCUs include the majority of American colleges and universities.