I want to be with you
I don't want to go out with anyone else - IW2BWU
That's great, Steve. But IDW2BWU
IW2BWU is ... a little clingy
Related Slang
BTWITIILWY | By the way, I think I'm in love with you |
BTWITIAILWU | By the way, I think I am in love with you |
ILAMY | I love and miss you |
IMU | I miss you |
IMYA | I miss you already |
mishu | Miss you |
Wub | Love |
Wuv | Love |
When you really, really want to spend the rest of your life with someone ... don't send them IW2BWU. This acronym, which stands for "I want to be with you," is a) a bit over-the-top and b) not incredibly understandable.
Instead, tell your BAE that you love them with these more-common acronyms:
Or, even better, type out an actual message that expresses how you feel. That way, your potential OTL will really see how much you love them.