Kiss my butt
Well, I sure schooled you that last game!
Whatever, KMB
A woman who is about to send KMB
Related Slang
KMA | Kiss my a** |
KMAB | Kiss my a**, b**** |
KMMFA | Kiss my motherf***ing a** |
sh^ | Shut up |
LMA | Leave me alone |
GALMA | Go away, leave me alone |
GTFO | Get the f*** out |
GL | Get lost |
Those who don't like to swear may use KMB to mean "kiss my butt." This acronym is a milder version of the more common (and more crass) KMA. Typically, it's used to tell someone that they're being a douche.
Gamers may use KMB in gaming chat, to taunt their opponents and/or tell them to BTFO. Outside of gaming chat, you may encounter KMB in (rude) text or chat messages, sent by someone who wants you to know that they don't care for whatever you just said.