Kinda sorta chuckle
If the neighbors keep complaining about us making noise, we should light some fireworks to really give them something to complain about ... KSC
That's not funny
TMW you're about to send KSC
Related Slang
CTM | Chuckle to myself |
CSG | Chuckle snicker grin |
VSC | Very soft chuckle |
C&G | Chuckle and grin |
LQTM | Laughing quietly to myself |
GTM | Giggle to myself |
LIS | Laughing in silence |
LOTI | Laughing on the inside |
KSC is a much more restrained version of LOL. Most often, someone who sends you this acronym is having a small laugh at something mildly funny. Thus, their laughter equates to only a minor, half-hearted chuckle.
Alternatively, people sometimes use KSC when they have mixed feelings about something, but still can't help but laugh. For example, if you send a friend a joke that they think is in poor taste but still a bit funny, they might respond with KSC.