Love you always
Bye honey, LYA!
Luv u 2!
LYA means "love you always"
Related Slang
lu4ever | Love you forever |
urs4e | Yours forever |
ILYFAE | I love you forever and ever |
L/F/E | Lovers forever |
AAF | Always and forever |
AWL | Always with love |
ILU2 | I love you too |
GBH&K | Great big hug and kiss |
In texts from your mom or SO, LYA stands for "love you always." This affectionate acronym is most often used at the end of a text or chat conversation.
If someone says they'll LYA, and you also love them, you can respond with ILU2 or ILY2. If you want to get competitive with the person, you can respond with LYLC, ILYFE, or ILYMTYWEK.