Mag has 2 meanings
Firearm magazine
I'm all out of mags. Can you spare one?
Yep, but these are my last two
Loading a mag for a firearm
Related Slang
AR | Assault rifle |
ak | AK-47 |
ammo | Ammunition |
Boomstick | Shotgun |
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
FPS | First-person shooter |
CoD | Call of Duty |
MOH | Medal of Honor |
Mag is an abbreviation for "magazine," which is a periodical publication (printed or digital). Mags vary widely from academics to entertainment to hobbies.
You will likely see people use mag via texts or messages when asking if someone read a particular article in a mag or if they have online access to the digital publication of the mag. Examples of popular mags include Time, AARP, National Geographic, People, and Sports Illustrated.
I subscribe to five monthly mags on my Kindle
Nice. I don't subscribe to any mags
Homer subscribes to the "Gravy Aficionado" mag
Related Slang
BC | Back cover |
OOP | Out of print |
TBR | To be read |
phobar | Photoshopped beyond all recognition |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read |
A mag is a cartridge that stores ammunition (ammo) for a firearm, such as an assault rifle (AR). Military personnel, gun enthusiasts, and gamers typically use the mag abbreviation.
An example of when you might see mag is when an FPS gamer laments losing a battle in CoD because their mag was out of ammo. Or, a soldier may complain about their gun jamming in a training exercise due to a poorly loaded mag.