Call of Duty Slang
Call of Duty (COD) is a franchise of first-person shooters that spans almost ten years. With each new release, more players join the Call of Duty multiplayer community. If you're one of the millions of people who play Call of Duty online, you'll want to make sure you are familiar with the COD slang listed below.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
IRL | In real life | 305 |
CoD | Call of Duty | 421 |
Aimbot | Automatic aiming bot | 463 |
HUD | Heads up display | 497 |
hax | Hacks | 499 |
FPS | First-person shooter | 517 |
n00b | A new or inexperienced user | 527 |
FFA | Free for all | 529 |
Camping | Staying in one spot | 531 |
ak | AK-47 | 533 |
360-noscope | 360 no scope | 538 |
ADS | Aiming down sight | 544 |
deagle | Desert Eagle | 544 |
Turtling | Playing defensively | 549 |
TDM | Team deathmatch | 551 |
CTF | Capture the flag | 553 |
DM | Deathmatch | 556 |
Domed | Headshotted | 557 |
HS | Headshot | 557 |
ammo | Ammunition | 558 |
PK | Player kill | 560 |
NS | Nice shot | 562 |
SoH | Slight of Hand | 566 |
AR | Assault rifle | 568 |
newb | Newbie | 569 |
TK | Team kill | 571 |
FMJ | Full metal jacket | 574 |
Boosting | Unfair level boosting | 574 |
kgo | Ok, go | 578 |
Ghosting | Observing an opponent's gameplay | 581 |
Oneshot | Beat in one attempt | 582 |
Choob | Skilled player who intentionally plays badly | 586 |
Sticky | A plasma grenade that sticks to objects | 587 |
FTL | For the loss | 588 |
FF | Focus fire | 589 |
3arc | Treyarch | 593 |
WOOT | We owned the other team | 595 |
CQC | Close-quarters combat | 596 |
mag | Firearm magazine | 597 |
BLOPS | Call of Duty: Black Ops | 604 |
Haxor | Hacker | 605 |
AFC | Away from controller | 607 |
YF | You fail | 610 |
Smurf | An alternate account used by a skilled player | 614 |