Mists of Pandaria
I've been playing as a monk ever since MoP
I've never enjoyed monks myself. But I love pandarens!

Related Slang
BC | The Burning Crusade |
cata | Cataclysm |
dal | Dalaran |
shat | Shattrath City |
WOD | Warlords of Draenor |
WOTLK | Wrath of the Lich King |
BFA | Battle for Azeroth |
World of Warcraft (WoW) players sometimes refer to the Mists of Pandaria expansion as MoP. MoP was WoW's fourth major expansion, released in September 2012.
Most notably, MoP introduced the land of Pandaria, a long-lost land populated by panda people known as pandarens. It also raised WoW's level cap from 85 to 90 and included a civil war between leaders in the Horde faction.