Night elf
Blizz really needs to update the nelf character models
Yeah it's been what, 5 years?

Related Slang
WoW | World of Warcraft |
Belf | Blood elf |
Main | Main character |
RMP | Rogue, Mage, Priest |
PvP | Player versus player |
10m | Ten man |
25m | Twenty-five man |
blizz | Blizzard |
World of Warcraft (WoW) players use nelf as shorthand for night elf. This Alliance race, also referred to as kaldorei, consists of elves with purple skin and colorful hair.
Players commonly refer to night elves as nelfs in WoW forums and in-game chat. For example, a player creating a new priest may ask whether they're better off choosing nelf or velf as their character's race.