Void elf
What's your favorite WoW race?
I really love velfs' look and lore

Related Slang
WoW | World of Warcraft |
Belf | Blood elf |
Nelf | Night elf |
RTK | Return to Karazhan |
blizz | Blizzard |
Raid | Raid group |
10m | Ten man |
25m | Twenty-five man |
NPC | Non-player character |
World of Warcraft (WoW) players use velf as shorthand for void elf. This Alliance race was introduced in WoW's Legion expansion. It consists of blood elves (belfs) who were corrupted by the Void but redeemed by Alleria Windrunner.
Players often refer to void elves as velfs in WoW chat and forums. For example, a player creating a new paladin may ask "Why can't I create a velf paladin?" in the r/wow subreddit.