Not much here, just chilling
What are you up to?
Related Slang
NMH | Not much here |
JC | Just chilling |
NMJC | Nothing much, just chillin' |
NMJCY | Not much, just chilling, you? |
Chillax | Chill and relax |
Moss | Relax |
BOOMS | Bored out of my skull |
brd | Bored |
BTD | Bored to death |
WB | Way bored |
NM | Not much |
NMHJC is a quick way to say that you are just hanging out and don't have any plans. It combines the NMH and JC acronyms and is a useful reply when you're just chillin'.
Be careful when using NMHJC since it implies you aren't busy. The person on the other end may follow up with an invitation to do something, and then you're stuck.
NMHJC can be used as a response to a question like "What's going on?" or "What are you doing?" Some alternatives include NM, chln, brd, BOOMS, BTD, and WB.