A white person
That saltine doesn't know how good he has it
Related Slang
Cracker | A white person |
Cracka | A white person |
PWT | Poor white trash |
Caucacity | Audacity stemming from white privilege |
yt | Whitey |
Wypipo | White people |
White fragility | Sensitivity of white people towards evidence of racism |
yte | White |
To bypass content filters, social media users sometimes use the word saltine in place of cracker. Both these derogatory slang terms are used to refer to white people, typically by people who are non-white.
Increased automated moderation has led social media users to craft replacements for many flagged terms, such as cracker. (This phenomenon is known as algospeak.) Saltine crackers are, perhaps, the whitest crackers - which is why saltine was chosen as cracker's "safe" slang stand-in.