There was an old yte lady that just told me to "move it or lose it." lol

Related Slang
Wypipo | White people |
yt | Whitey |
Becky | A basic white girl |
Kyle | A basic white boy |
PWI | Predominantly white institution |
PWT | Poor white trash |
SWF | Single white female |
WASP | White Anglo-Saxon Protestant |
Whitelash | White voter backlash |
Whitesplain | To explain something as a white person |
CRD | Caucasian Rhythm Disorder |
Caucacity | Audacity stemming from white privilege |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous, People of Color |
POC | Person of color |
When online and texting, people may use "yte" as an abbreviation for "white," with the "y" replacing the "whi." You will most likely see it in reference to white people.
Online, people often use yte in chatrooms and on social media, like Twitter and TikTok. Most often, BIPOC use yte when addressing racial issues. You may also see people use yte in texts, but seeing it in this space is less common.