People that are easily manipulated
Look at all of those sheeple with their vaccine stickers. Covid is a hoax!
Alright, grandpa, time for your nap
A call for sheeple to wake up
Related Slang
Fake news | Fake news source that pretends to be real |
DS | Deep state |
Anti-masker | A person who opposes masks |
Anti-vaxxer | A person who opposes vaccines |
Meekd | Suppressed |
NWO | New World Order |
QAnutter | A QAnon believer |
Qultist | A QAnon believer |
Scamdemic | Fake pandemic |
Sheeple are people that are too obedient to authority. The term comes from the combination of "people" and "sheep," which are animals known for being easily controlled or "following the herd."
The slang term dates back to the mid-1940s, when it was coined to describe people that followed consumer trends. It then became prominent in the mid-2010s, as conspiracy theorists primarily used it to call out people easily manipulated by the government.
Covid sheeple
Usage of the term spiked in the mid-2010s, then declined but regained prominence as the Covid-19 pandemic spread worldwide in 2020 and health professionals advocated for vaccines in 2021. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers often label people who got the vaccine and follow covid mandates as "sheeple."