Talk to you later
Thanks for chatting 2nite, T2UL!
T2UL means "talk to you later"
Related Slang
t2ul8er | Talk to you later |
t2ul8r | Talk to you later |
TTUL | Talk to you later |
TTYLMF | Talk to you later, my friend |
CWYL | Chat with you later |
cul8r | See you later |
GLHFTTYL | Good luck, have fun, talk to you later |
TTL | Talk to you later |
T2UL is an uncommon way of saying "talk to you later." This acronym has largely been supplanted by TTYL, so it's no wonder you had to look it up.
The following acronyms and abbreviations can also be used to say "talk to you later:"
If you encounter someone who uses any of the above acronyms or abbreviations, encourage them to switch to using TTYL. Everyone who chats with them will thank you.