Talk to you later, my friend
Yes, we shall meet again
TMW you're about to send TTYLMF
Related Slang
TTYIAM | Talk to you in a minute |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TTYT | Talk to you tomorrow |
TTYIAB | Talk to you in a bit |
TTYAW | Talk to you after work |
TTYOOTD | Talk to you one of these days |
TTYN | Talk to you never |
GLHFTTYL | Good luck, have fun, talk to you later |
Dweebs use TTYLMF to stand for "talk to you later my friend." This overly-dramatic expansion of TTYL makes it sound as if you and your friend are heading into an epic battle, and may never see each other again.
In reality, you'll probably be able to chat with the friend who sent you TTYLMF at some point in the near future. Unless, that is, one of you falls in battle before then.