Too freakin' bad
Oh, you took a pay cut this year? TFB. The rest of us can't even get a job
TFB means "too freakin' bad"
Related Slang
TBFU | Too bad for you |
TS | Tough stuff |
Shucks | An expression of disappointment |
terribad | Terribly bad |
TIFU | Today I F***ed Up |
Draking | Acting emotional |
emo | Emotional |
DW | Don't worry |
HPDC | Happy People Don't Complain |
Those who do not care about your misfortune use TFB to stand for "too freakin' bad." This acronym is most often used by gamers to trash-talk each other during online games.
Friends, co-workers, family members, and even Internet strangers may also use TFB to express a lack of sympathy for your current situation. These people likely feel you are whining about nothing, and that you should buck up and get over yourself.