Tell me the truth
TMTT, do these pants make my butt look too big?
A woman who is about to send TMTT
Related Slang
TTTT | To tell the truth |
NGL | Not gonna lie |
DLTM | Don't lie to me |
NBSP | No bull s*** please |
TBT | Truth be told |
ATTT | Ain't that the truth |
lyn | Lying |
blvmot | Believe me on that |
A friend or family member who sends you TMTT wants you to tell them the truth. This acronym is a plea for some honest-to-goodness real talk - so when you reply to your loved one, don't hold back.
As you prepare TTTT, remember to be kind. Telling unpleasant truths is sometimes necessary, but there is no reason to be a douche about it.