What the f***, over
So, I'm having 50 refrigerators delivered to your house
A man who is about to send WTFO
Related Slang
WTF | What the f*** |
WTFNF | What the f****ing f*** |
WTS | What the s*** |
WTH | What the heck |
WTC | What the crap |
FFS | For f***'s sake |
FML | F*** my life |
WTFO is an expression of astonishment, which you're most likely to encounter during a text or chat conversation. It means roughly the same thing as "What in the world?" or "How the heck?"
The O in WTFO stands for "over." In radio communications, ending a message with "over" tells the recipient that you're waiting for a reply. In this case, the person who sent you WTFO is likely hoping you'll explain the message that prompted them to send you this crass acronym.